Saturday, November 11, 2006

Feisty, Feisty, Feisty

I've been reading the specs, keeping up with gobby, and I simply must say it sounds very exciting. Now I've been with Ubuntu since Hoary, and I simply must say this is the most exciting release in the making. I just hope all the addressed specs can be managed.

Also, on that note, I was talking to Amaranth on irc the other day about Beryl, Which I've seemed to leap into conversation about a few times. Anyway, some people have really become interested in Beryl as an accessibility concept. Such as the zoom feature, the more keen eyes have seen a variation of the zoom feature kicking around which actually maintains usability while zoomed. The applications there really have no bounds. some of the features intended to be eye-candy such as the negative plugin which shows negative image on a per window basis, has an application for accessibility.

I'd like to point out I'm insanely for Beryl being included in feisty. I believe it will give beryl the force it needs to really get some user input and pick up a huge following. this eventually will lead to more core developers, and an overall better product.

Not to say they're doing bad at ALL. I really just mean with more people using it more developers flare up to the product and we see an even better Beryl.

In other news, anyone score Final Fantasy XII yet? Hoping to eat up a copy monday, look amazing. As you can tell I'm a big Square fan boy.

In other, other news, I just got World of Warcraft going on the Open source ATI Drivers... using Direct3d! You can thank wine for that, along with the AMAZING people heading up the opensource driver team for Radeons. Albeit slow at a 10-20fps It's a constant entirely playable rate. And I actually removed my old windows partition for it.

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